
AI Assistant

Online and ready to help

Hi there! I'm your AI assistant. Before we begin, could you please tell me your name?


That comes with Customer Intelligence


Customer 360 Key Issues

Train Enquiry Dashboard

Virgin Trains’ Customer Moment

The solution

Your train to Manchester has arrived! We’re just giving it a quick spruce and we’ll text shortly.Your train to Manchester is boarding on Platform 2. You’re in coach A, seats 12, and 13.

The Result

Ticket Icon

Increased Digital
Ticket Sales


Net Promoter
Score boost

Virgin Train Alert


Brand name, logo and colors.

True Metrics

Client based Delivery and Reciepts to track and measure

Suggested Reply

Choose a suggested reply like "Change Seat" to navigate to further functionality.

Verified Sender

Security and Peace of Mind for Consumers.

Rich Media

Pictures, Videos, GIF sharing. Dynamic Content for tickets, Loyalty Cards, Coupons etc.

Suggested Action

Select an Action button like "Contact Virgin" to initiate a phone call.

Starbucks’ Customer Moment

Anticipate customer needs:

  • Close to a store
  • In line
  • Ordering with app
  • Waiting for their order
  • Consuming in store
Starbuck Customer Moment

SNICKERS’ "Hungry" Moment

Reaching new demographics based on "hangry" moments:

  • Consumers followed SNICKERS on Twitter
  • Tied price of a SNICKERS bar to the consumer sentiment
  • Price dropped when people got "angry"
Snickers Customer Moment

Customer Moments Are Becoming Smaller
and They Demand "Hyperpersonalization"

  • From
  • Customer journey
  • One to many
  • Personalization
  • Self-service
  • Omnichannel
  • To
  • Customer moments
  • 1:1
  • Hyperpersonalization
  • Guided service
  • Postchannel experience

The Importance of Short-Term and Real-Time
Customer Data in Personalization

  • Persona and Segment
  • Persona: 32-year-old-health-conscious woman living in California with her family.
  • Segment: 25 − 35; Female; California resident; loyal customer; discerning shopper; app user.
User Icon


Potential Shopper Journeys

Monday: Sarah opens the retailer’s app in search of this year’s back-to-school deals for her children.

Thursday: After browsing options online, Sarah stops by the store to buy treats for her cat.

Saturday: Sarah buys a gift online for her husband, then visits the store to pick it up the following day.

  • Long-Term Behavior Insights
  • Transaction History
  • Past Brand Interactions
  • Previous Review and Questions
  • Short-Term Behavior Triggers
  • Current Online Browsing Patterns
  • In-Store Endpoint Interactions
  • Cart Items
  • Loyalty/Reward Point Balance
  • Environmental Considerations
  • Current Location
  • Local Time
  • Area Weather

Continuous Intelligence Is Required to
Deliver Continuous Experience

Leading Edge Applications Have Used
Continuous Intelligence for Years

Mobile device navigation systems

More than 80% of equity trades

Google pop-up ads

Airlines’ and railroads’ enterprise nervous systems

Continuous Intelligence: Why Going Mainstream Now?

Low cost, high performance, CPUs, GPUs, memory, storage, networks, cloud computing, and mobile devices

Internet of Things, inexpensive sensor data and social media data

Widely available ML, AI, stream analytics, and time-series DBMS software

  • Accelerating pace of business
  • Increased customer expectations
  • Worldwide competition

Continuous Intelligence Enables Smarter Business Decisions
Through Real-Time Data and Advanced Analytics

Always on for situation awareness


Prescribes action




Increase Capabilities for Event-Driven,
Real-Time Situational Awareness

  • Event visibility and context over customer journey
  • Automate, act, and achieve customer experience
  • Unified messaging across inbound and outbound channels
  • Human interaction suggestions based on intelligence
  • Timely insight of cross-channel engagement efficiency and effectiveness
  • Prescriptive analytics that prescribe the best course of action (automated or human-driven)
  • Event-driven recommendations
  • Increased ability of executing CRM and customer experience objectives

Drive Continuous Intelligence Into Customer Engagement Hub

Decisions Based on Continuous Intelligence Are More Effective

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning Assumption

By 2022, more than half of major new business systems will incorporate continuous intelligence that uses real-time context data to improve decisions.

How Does a Real-Time CEH Look Like for aBank?

CEH for Bank Diagram

How Does a Real-Time CEH Look Like for aRetailer?

CEH for Retailer Diagram