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INDICIAL — The CX and Digital Maturity

Integrated Customer experience and Digital Transformation (CX.Digital Practice) is a discipline that requires an ongoing focus. CX and Digital leaders (CCO, CMO, CDO, CIO) can leverage from well-integrated Virtuos Indicial CX.Digital management maturity model to gauge their organization's CX management maturity, digital transformation maturity and then use that baseline to plan future improvements.
    CX Primer Emblem
    CXopia emblem
    CXAudit Emblem
Executive Connect

Executive Connect

Meet the key stakeholders to introduce CX Primer and its objectives and more substantial impact of CX in several connected departments — sales, marketing, service, production, HR, etc.

Technology Audit

Presenting concepts

Presenting some of the most modern CX best practices from case studies and how some of these successful companies embarked on CX Innovation.

CX Planning Session

Socializing CX

Executive connect to define the concepts around CX and benefits of increasing CX maturity, together with the potential business outcomes from digital transformation.

Our CX.Digital Maturity is powered by leading research and Industry best practices.


Indicial CX Roadmap

As illustrated (See left) using Gartner’s CXM Maturity model, we offer an exhaustive CX.Digital roadmap to ensure success for our customers. The CX.Digital maturity model has five levels of increasing maturity:

  • Level 1. Initial and mostly Ad Hoc
  • Level 2. Developing and Establishing
  • Level 3. Defined and Performing
  • Level 4. Managed for Optimization
  • Level 5. Embedded for Transformation


Customer experience (CX) management maturity model defines five levels of increasing maturity mapped below on nine dimensions. Most large organizations are at Level 1 or Level 2 maturity, with a view to achieving Level 3 (see the graph above). At Virtuos, we engage with the executive team to assess and discover the state of Customer Experience (also known as CXOpia) by conducting CX Primer.
Initial (Ad Hoc)

Initial (Ad Hoc)

PurposePurposeNo CX Mission or Purpose; Individual efforts; No business sponsorship; short term profit motives.
StrategyStrategyNo CX Strategy; CX is viewed as Customer Service; Firefighting to handle complaints - mostly reactive.
Roles and GoveranceRoles and GovernanceNo CX leadership or team. No governance model for CX; Decisions are bottom up and departmental.
People and Org. ChangePeople and Org. ChangePoor structure; no team goals; everyone is attending to complaints; poor customer-centric culture.
Customer VoiceCustomer VoiceSporadic or annual surveys; Lack of common customer data; Heavy reliance on anecdotal feedback.
Customer InsightCustomer InsightNo research team; Gut based decision making; Reliance on external sources of data or perceptions.
MetricsMetricsMultiple CX metrics with high variance used by each department; lack of freshness in the data.
Persona and JourneysPersona and JourneysNo development of personas; No outside-in view; Customer Journeys not mapped.
TechnologyTechnologySiloed systems - mostly basic CRM or System of Records; Focus on UX or Web; No tools for CX
Developing and Establishing

Developing and Establishing

PurposePurposeCX Purpose to Improve CSAT and better NPS over the competition; CX is still not a competitive arsenal.
StrategyStrategyCX roadmap is drawn; Identifying and using capabilities internally; Investment choices are flawed.
Roles and GoveranceRoles and GovernanceCX leadership with team exists; Internal CX technologies are inventoried; Wavering CX focus.
People and Org. ChangePeople and Org. ChangeEmployees are not customer obsessed. Focus is on Service goals; CX is not deeply ingrained.
Customer VoiceCustomer VoiceVOC technologies used; Inconsistency in executing VOC; Loosely coupled VOC; No VOC Program.
Customer InsightCustomer InsightDedicated team for CX insights; Ad hoc research and testing; Limited sharing of insights internally.
MetricsMetricsCX Dashboard with key metrics exists; No linkage of Operational/financial metrics to CX metrics.
Persona and JourneysPersona and JourneysPersonas developed on some data; lacks fresh customer data - mostly perceptible; Presumed MOT.
TechnologyTechnologyCX technologies planned or identified; Investments in Service design; IT budgets not influenced by CX.
Defined and Performing

Defined and Performing

PurposePurposeCX Purpose to correlate CX with Operational efficiency; No exec sponsor, but departmental buy-in.
StrategyStrategyCX priority with process to seek investments; Partly compete on superior CX; Unified CX Strategy.
Roles and GoveranceRoles and GovernanceCore and Permanent CX Team; CX has budgets for teams; CX Leader is partly collaborative internally.
People and Org. ChangePeople and Org. ChangeCX Training is regular; CX is deeply ingrained; CX Jobs in multiple departments; CX is in discussions.
Customer VoiceCustomer VoiceEffective VOC governance. Direct and Indirect feedback in loop; Multi-stage/journey feedback captured.
Customer InsightCustomer InsightContinuous and iterative CX insights; rich Customer/Employee Insights; high reliance on CX Insights.
MetricsMetricsContextual and relevant CX Metrics; Alignment of departmental metrics with CX Metrics; Accountability.
Persona and JourneysPersona and JourneysQualitative and Quantitative personas; Personal driven Journey prioritizes CX; Limited effectiveness.
TechnologyTechnologyNew Technologies for high CX Impact; Integrations and Single view of customer; Omni-channel Tech.
Managed for Optimization

Managed for Optimization

PurposePurposeExecutive sponsor for unified CX vision; Link CX for financial goals and vital business goals.
StrategyStrategyCX goals have more capability; CX and Innovation efforts in sync; CX is measurable for brand equity.
Roles and GoveranceRoles and GovernanceUnified set of practices, tools and processes, and design; cross functional CX budgeting and execution.
People and Org. ChangePeople and Org. ChangeCX Program in place to attract, train CX talent; Incentives tied to CX Improvement; CX is part of KPIs.
Customer VoiceCustomer VoiceOperationalized VOC; Closed-loop C- feedback; Advanced analytics; Embedded real-time into CRM.
Customer InsightCustomer InsightAll test participants are customers; Customer Insight fuels CX and co-creates new products; Budgets.
MetricsMetricsA hierarchy of linked CX metrics; Operational and quality metrics are being correlated with CX metrics.
Persona and JourneysPersona and JourneysWider set of data driven personas; Expansive journey maps and Journey Analytics for CX continuum.
TechnologyTechnologyIntegration of technologies to join up the customer journey; IT budgets are influenced by enhanced CX.
Embedded for Transformation

Embedded for Transformation

PurposePurposeAll stakeholders buy-in for CX; Manage CX with the same rigour used to manage profit; CX is the Brand.
StrategyStrategyInnovative and unique CX goals and capabilities are being created; Leading Industries with Signature CX.
Roles and GoveranceRoles and GovernanceCenter of CX Excellence driving innovation; EX is fuelling CX; CX is embedded as DNA of Organization.
People and Org. ChangePeople and Org. ChangeEmployee retention is tied to CX growth; CX performance is rewarded at par with financial performance.
Customer VoiceCustomer VoiceVOC is continuous; Causality between voice of employee and VoC data is established and acted upon.
Customer InsightCustomer InsightResearch and testing is the DNA; Enterprise wide insights to improve majority of products and services.
MetricsMetricsCX metrics are infused in day-to-day operational management and long-term investment plans.
Persona and JourneysPersona and JourneysPersonas and Journeys influence customer facing processes; Top-level, outsidein journey maps used.
TechnologyTechnologyIT is a key source of knowledge of the innovative technology; CX is highly influencing IT Investments.