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Creatio CRM Power Co Banner

About The Power Company

A Leading Power Company (The Actual Customer Name is confidential) generates electricity to significant population in the region.

The Power Company is part of the largest investor-owned power businesses in Asia. With activities of:

  • Power generation;
  • Power transmission and distribution; and
  • Customer service

The success is built on strong business principles and ethics which define their vision, mission and values.

Industry: Energy & Utility Services

Product: Creatio Studio Platform

Highlights of the Project

The Company has evaluated more than half a dozen CRM Systems in the marketplace, including some established players such as Salesforce and Microsoft. Finally, it chose Creatio, the low code no code platform aptly fitting their diverse needs. Critical considerations by the business and technology teams for choosing Virtuos and Creatio are:

  • Cutting edge Low Code No Code Platform
  • Extensibility of the product with capabilities
  • Ease of use and remarkable User Experience (UX)
  • Strong Integration with third parties
  • Virtuos All Agile Methodology
  • Velocity in delivering the Solution
12 Weeks

Velocity in delivering the Solution

0 Hours

Close to 0 Hours of Coding Effort


"No-Code" Implementation


Third Party Integrations


ALL AGILE Methodology

Broad Challenges

The Company has struggled with the existing legacy system, which was in use for several years. It was unable to handle the volume of customer requests and provide timely data & reports to the stakeholders.

The Company is facing challenges in augmenting its service automation, communicating to a diverse customer base and handling voluminous information needs both within and outside the Company.


Virtuos has implemented the Creatio Studio Platform by delivering the solution in 12 weeks involving Vlocis All Agile Implementation Methodology deploying Creatio Certified Consultants, Architects and Developers.

Some of the quick wins offering solutions to the challenges are detailed below.

Challenges faced by the Company and Virtuos Solution Approach

ScopeChallengesDeliverable Items
Scope 1

To enhance the accessibility and readability of stakeholder profiles, records, and relevant information

Address the challenges faced by the Company using its current legacy system.
  • Lack of a user-friendly data visualisation of stakeholder profiles and records.
  • The existing data presentation with a fixed format and limited sorting options for information display in a single dimension only.
  • Challenge in reading and analysing the data which is not organised well from the existing user interface.
  • Challenge in reading and analysing the data which is not organised well from the existing user interface Challenge in reading and analysing the data which is not organised well from the existing user interface.
  • Challenge in reading and analysing the data which is not organised well from the existing user interface.
By choosing and adopting the 'platform' — Creatio Studio and related module(s) which is expected and required to offer the design, logics, relevant integration and functionalities including but not limited to the following deliverable items:
  • A modern style web-based user interface consists of side panel, communication panel, folder and filter area, and working area capable for records access and visualise in a multi-dimensional way including tiles, list and dashboard.
  • The appearance of records can be sorted in a list type with configurable columns by leveraging available parameters.
  • Summary of information based on the data columns is also available.
  • It's possible to count the number of records with results calculation by column value.
  • Data displayed in the list can be exported to Excel as an *.xls and other applicable format(s) e.g., Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Excel, etc.
Scope 2

To improve the user experience, operation in managing stakeholder profiles and records creation and update via intuitive human-centered operation design

  • Auto-save for draft is not available.
  • “Save as draft” before completing the stakeholder profile/engagement records creation is not available.
  • Challenge in filtering and sorting data fields as a number of data fields designed for free text input, and some of data fields can be considered by using menu/radio buttons selection instead of free text.
  • Data managed by each record page consists of record profile, connected block, workflow bar, action panel and page tabs for managing the history of activities.
  • Number of stakeholder records can be imported by Excel .xlsx file to the solution platform via the web interface.
  • Data records can be organised by folders structure (Static, Dynamic) based on the business needs and stakeholder management strategies.
  • Data records can be marked with 'tags' for quick search and filtering.
Scope 3

To elevate the efficiency in locating the target information of stakeholder profiles and related records

  • Limited algorithms in the combination of criteria for search (algorithms "OR" is not available).
  • Frequent use search criteria combination cannot be saved for re-use- Looking for improvement of search response in terms of efficiency
  • Modern search engine capable for advanced data searching by combinations of multiple algorithms.
  • Data records can be filtered and searched via sections of quick, standard, and advanced filter.
  • Filter settings can be saved for re-use in the future.
  • Workflow for records approval with notification to approval via email integration with Microsoft.
Scope 4

To strengthen the usability and capability in records management

To address the pain points which have been raised by users based on the experience of the existing platform:
  • There is only have fixed templates for data export which is insufficient in fulfilling the need of our business scenarios and events.
  • Those fixed templates were created in legacy formats over a period of time.
  • The existing formats and styles for data output is fixed and it is not available for change by user.
  • To export data with desirable format(s) fits for use based on various business scenarios and events.
  • To read and interpret the data interactively for analysis and relevant reports generation.

About Virtuos Vivacis

Virtuos Vivacis is one of the four fabulous business operations under the Consultare Division at Virtuos Digital. Since its inception in 2020 as separate operations under Consultare Division, it has executed projects at some leading names, including HDFC Bank, Apeejay Group, Arvind Internet, Fab India, Securitas, and Hike, among several other customers. Virtuos Vivacis offers Digital Transformation @ the speed of thought by providing the "low code no code" Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) and Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Solutions to growing companies worldwide.

Virtuos Vivacis has also forged alliances with industry leaders — Creatio for low code no code CRM Platforms; Agiloft for Contract Lifecycle Management; Microsoft for Dynamics CRM and PowerApps; and Automation Anywhere for Robotics Automation.

For more information on Vivacis, visit

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